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Lauren Moran


July 3, 2002




1132 Lakeview Ave, Dracut, MA 01826, USA


Stephen moran






How did you hear about us?

My dad


Are you being treated or have you ever been treated for any psychiatric illness? If yes, please explain briefly.

Yes anorexia, depression, anxiety, and they think I have OCD. I’ve been in residential program, PHP, and outpatient therapy and dietitian for these issues

Have you ever seen a counselor, psychotherapist, or psychologist for any issue? If yes, please explain.

Just my therapist

Are you currently taking any prescribed medication? If yes, please list.

Yez, methylphenidate and Zoloft

Have you experienced any traumatic life events that I should be aware of? If yes, please explain.

No just my childhood a lot of moving around. I have a life map we made in one of the programs I was in if you want me to share it it would explain pretty much my whole life it’s long but might be helpful just let me know. Dad moved when I was 8 then I lived with my mom in 8th grade we moved in with family friends cus my mom needed someone to watch me when she went to work. And brother left for college. Year after she moved me to Georgia to be with my now stepdad I hated it there moved back in with my aunt which had its iOS and a lot of traumatic downsides mentally. A lot of trauma has come from my dad and situations he just emotionally was very confusing growing up he would get mad I didn’t want to live in Colorado and a lot of fights happened and usually they say well he does this and that for you so money gets placed as a justification in my family kind of. I love my dad I do think I get trauma responses when dealing with conflict because of our fights and fights I witnessed with him and his gf growing up and how he would talk about my mom and their arguments I was always placed in the middle


Compulsive Behavior, Other


Stress, Fears, Phobias, Panic Attacks, Compulsive Behavior, Guilt, Trouble Relaxing, Lack of Confidence, Other


Food/Diet, Weight Problems, Anorexia, Exercise


Confidence, Self Esteem, Motivation, Acheiving Goals, Procrastination, Self Sabotage


Interview Skills, Concentration, Exams


None or N/A


Hair Growth


Childhood Problems, Family Problems


None or N/A

Have you ever had serious thoughts of harming yourself or others?

Myself only I use to cut myself

Do you or any member of your family have a history of epilepsy?

I don’t think

Have you ever been hypnotized before?


What areas of your life would you like to work on?

I would like to work on areas of business, career, and finances so I can accomplish my goals and believe in myself so I am not so afraid of failure. Which is also going onto the next thing which is food, my eating disorder has negatively impacted my social life, physical body, mental state, finances, relationships, work, and just pretty much everything. I want to be normal again. I want to be successful in life financially, emotionally, and I want my drive back and to be the best me I need to not be worrying about the eating disorder. I also want my anxiety of working gone too, and not believing I can do something. I have a lot of guilt, I’m not that smart, and my adhd is very difficult to manage this is super unorganized I’m sorry.

What is the biggest challenge that you wish to work on during your session?

Eating disorder, restriction, chewing and spitting out food, relationship with body. I wish I could look at my body and see a six pack or at least let myself try to get fit and believe that it takes time and try to do so by eating healthy and working out. I want my weird fixation on my weight and being unhealthy skinny being able to feel my bones gone. I would like to work on my fear stress anxiety and adhd. I want confidence and I want my drive back I want to live my life the way I want not what my ed wants I wanna live the life of my dreams instead of being so scared of failing stop me and being so unorganized that I get overwhelmed when I have all these ideas that it’s hard to figure anything out so I give up. I want my anxiety gone too. I also want my suicidal thoughts gone

Have you tried to do anything about this before now? If so, what?

Kinda either the eating disorder was used to cope with all co occurring stuff. And just residential facilities and partial hospitals I’ve been to for h the is and therapy


I’ll be a different person after, hopefully motivate me to change so I can do so in residential. I have a hard time believing this will work I want it to but the eating disorder is very strong and the obsessive compulsiveness and thoughts don’t help. I want to see food as food again I want to not have a fixation on how my body looks I wanna be fixated on money not calories I wish I could forget the eating disorder entirely

Anything else I should know?

I can’t remember probably, like I said I can share the life map with you I did in the program it was very helpful for my therapist she said

Are you willing to commit to listening to your personalized recording everyday for at least 21 days? 


Are you 18 years of age or older?



I agree to all of the terms and conditions listed above.


What is your ideal weight?


When was the last time you were at or near this weight?

2022 maybe

What is the heaviest and lightest you have ever been?

75.2 lowest highest like maybe 97 but I use to have huge boobs and the ed got rid of them basically lol

If you could design a relationship with food, what would it be like?

To look at food as food, and not eat when I’m bored chew and spit when I’m bored or cus I’m hungry and won’t eat. I wanna look at food as fuel and not numbers and fear of it changing my body. I don’t wanna be thinking about food 24/7 I wish I hated food to be honest. I just don’t want to think about it anymore I know how to eat healthy but because I won’t give myself a chance to eat the right things to achieve my body because I believe I will never get that body I starve myself and stay thin I want to be thin toned and have muscles but the right way at a healthy weight not like now if that makes sense I wanna feel good about my body and I wanna work to get it but because I feel like it won’t work I never do so I want that to change

Can you leave food or throw it away?

Yes sometimes I have a hard time

Do you eat when you are bored, stressed or tired, or experiencing another emotion?

Yes but usually cus I restrict I chew it and spit it out

Do you use food to comfort yourself?

Sometimes but again I won’t eat so actually no not really I am afraid of the thing I love the most

Do you have good and bad days?

Most of them are bad with food I have better days when I’m at my moms I feel safe eating around her so when I eat challenge meals or have the whole day it’s fun but here with my dad and family it’s not I need people who can eat on my level bc I may look tiny but I can eat and that has always made me very self conscious I need to feel like I’m not competing to eat the least when I eat those foods with people

Are your eating resolutions harder to stick to when you are out with friends?

No it makes it so I don’t see them cus I chose the ed over them

Were you given chocolate/cakes/trigger foods when you were growing up?

Yes not a lot tho I use to hate sweets lol

Were any foods forbidden to you growing up?

Not for me but I observed they were for other women in my family or if you wanted to eat healthy like salads we’re good grilled chicken never eat fried food, soda was a no, no sugar, no candy, eating things without the bread I always observed women eating less carbs and all lower calorie zero this that and the other thing and men wouldn’t usually care but I picked up on that and yeah

Do you prefer to cook or eat out?

Ummm that depends I am good at cooking and baking but I won’t let myself eat it. I like cooking because I can calculate and control everything but actual enjoyment I love trying new foods and restraints it’s just not fun it’s scary cus of the ed

24-Hour Recall

Fat free Reddi whip idk how much not a lot throughout the day maybe a sip of a protein shake sugar free grape juice and water DO NOT TELL MY DAD

Is this a typical day for you?

Yes do not tell my dad!

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