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December 6, 1967
Tyler Ludwig
Self Employed
How did you hear about us?
Worked Together
Are you being treated or have you ever been treated for any psychiatric illness? If yes, please explain briefly.
I don't know if it's considered a psychiatric illness but I have suffered all of my life with anxiety.
Have you ever seen a counselor, psychotherapist, or psychologist for any issue? If yes, please explain.
I've seen many counselors in my life for many different issues. I'm sure it will be clear why when you read my "traumatic life events". lol I've never seen a psychotherapist or psychologist.
Are you currently taking any prescribed medication? If yes, please list.
Xanax as needed.
Have you experienced any traumatic life events that I should be aware of? If yes, please explain.
I'm not sure how much you want me to put here but my life has been one traumatic life event after another. Here is just a short condensed list:
Chaotic childhood. Mother was mentally, emotionally and physically abusive. Dad was not abusive but was an alcoholic and absent on and off throughout my life. Older brother was mentally, emotionally, physically and sexual abusive.
Kicked out of the house when I was 17 and was homeless for a time.
My dad committed suicide when I was in my twenties.
My brother committed suicide soon after that.
My husband died six years ago leaving me with no life insurance and a large amount of debt. I had to sell the home that we lived in and owned for almost twenty years to pay off the debt. I ended up having to finally pack up (or sell) everything and move to another state two years ago to try and regroup and put the pieces back together.
I have been estranged from my mom for the last ten years but about two months ago, I found out she had died in January. I found this out literally two days after my best friend of over 30 years passed away suddenly.
I'm sure there are more but those are the big ones.
Stress, Fears, Panic Attacks, Guilt
Food/Diet, Weight Problems
None or N/A
None or N/A
None or N/A
None or N/A
Childhood Problems
None or N/A
Have you ever had serious thoughts of harming yourself or others?
Do you or any member of your family have a history of epilepsy?
Have you ever been hypnotized before?
What areas of your life would you like to work on?
Oh boy, there are a lot. lol Again, I will try to condense my answer.
I went from having a successful high 6-figure business for many years to almost losing everything after my husband died and then being hit by Covid. I am finally in a place where things are going in a good direction. My business is taking off and that financial stress is pretty much gone but I now find myself in another state, I have two kids and I'm close to my niece but other than that, I literally have no other family. I don't have even one friend where I live now in Vegas and I have pretty much lost touch with my friends from California. The only friend I talked to on a regular consistent basis is the one who recently passed away.
I feel like I am sitting on the battlefield and the war is finally over but I am completely shell-shocked. Like WTF just happened? How did I get here? And, what do I do now? The life that I knew for so long is gone!
I feel like because things are finally settling down and I'm out of crisis, ALL of the trauma I have experienced and have never dealt with for my entire life is bubbling to the surface.
I have gained 50lbs in the last two years since I moved and my anxiety has come back with a vengeance.
I am VERY motivated and I have big goals and dreams to create the life that I want to live but my anxiety is really hindering me.
I have other issues as well such as my weight and some self-worth issues but I think I need to tackle this anxiety first.
What is the biggest challenge that you wish to work on during your session?
Like I mentioned, the biggest thing holding me back is my anxiety. I struggled with debilitating anxiety when I was in my 20s and 30s and eventually went on Paxil for about 6 years. I got off of that and was able to live almost anxiety-free for many years. I would have the occasional situational anxiety but not the generalized anxiety that I had lived with for so long....until we moved to Vegas. In the last 2 years I have experienced some of the scariest anxiety attacks I have ever had. Much worse than when I was in my 20s. But, as bad as those are, they are occasional and the biggest challenge I am facing right now is health anxiety.
I dealt with this also when I was younger as part of my anxiety, but was able to overcome it but now it's back...big time!
I'm 90% sure it's my anxiety but when that 10% takes over my mind and tells me there is something physically wrong with me and I'm going to die, I'm convinced!
Have you tried to do anything about this before now? If so, what?
I have recently seen my regular physician and I actually am having some neurological and cardiology work done soon JUST to rule out anything physical although my physician is also 90% sure (or probably 99% sure if I'm being honest) that it's anxiety. I have also seen (within the last six months) a therapist, a kinesiologist, a holistic doctor, and an acupuncturist. Nothing has really helped that much.
I don't really have any expectations. I know that I have a lot of issues so, while I am excited to try this and see how much it helps, I certainly don't expect it to be a "cure-all".
Anything else I should know?
I am going to go ahead and fill out the weight portion of the questionnaire as well because I know that is something I want to work on in the future, but I do want to focus on my anxiety and health anxiety first.
Are you willing to commit to listening to your personalized recording everyday for at least 21 days?
Are you 18 years of age or older?
I agree to all of the terms and conditions listed above.
What is your ideal weight?
160lbs-170lbs. I would be happy to be 170lbs, I would be THRILLED to be 160lbs.
When was the last time you were at or near this weight?
I can't ever remember being at 160lbs. I was at 170lbs about 2 years ago.
What is the heaviest and lightest you have ever been?
My heaviest was 320lbs. I lost 140lbs naturally with diet and exercise about 9 years ago and then had a mommy-makeover which took another 10lbs off me which took me to my lowest adult weight of 170lbs.
If you could design a relationship with food, what would it be like?
Oh wow, that's a tough one. I would say that the ideal relationship to food would be to be able to eat intuitively and not constantly have the "food police" hovering over me. I would like to eat healthily but also be able to enjoy food. I feel as though I am in a constant state of eating "bad" or eating "good" and I would love to be able to first of all, not label myself and second of all, find a happy middle.
Can you leave food or throw it away?
Do you eat when you are bored, stressed or tired, or experiencing another emotion?
I don't necessarily eat when I am feeling these things, it's more that I eat "bad" when I am experiencing these things. So, I won't really eat when I'm not hungry but when I get hungry and I am in a state of stress or feeling a negative emotion, I just want to eat crappy food!
Do you use food to comfort yourself?
Do you have good and bad days?
I have more good and bad weeks or months, not necessarily days. During my "good" periods (which I haven't had in a little while) I eat very healthily during the week and then usually go out with the kids to have a nice meal and splurge a little bit. When I am having a "bad" period, I don't eat all day long usually and then pig out at dinner pretty much eating anything I want and then a little more sometimes. My working out also seems to coincide with these periods. When I am working out regularly, I tend to eat a LOT better.
Are your eating resolutions harder to stick to when you are out with friends?
I don't have any friends right now but it is very hard in general to stick to eating good when I am out to dinner with the kids.
Were you given chocolate/cakes/trigger foods when you were growing up?
When I would visit my grandmother for the entire summer when I was a kid, she would let me eat pretty much anything I wanted. My grandmother was pretty much the only truly loving force in my life and I am sure that I associate food with love because of her. I only remember having these types of foods on occasion with my mom.
Were any foods forbidden to you growing up?
Yes! My mom took me to Weight Watchers when I started getting a little chubby when I was probably around 11 or 12 years old. She was the "food police" and shamed me for being fat as well as forbidding me to eat certain foods.
Do you prefer to cook or eat out?
I prefer to eat out only because I am so busy but I think in an ideal world and/or when things are a little less busy for me, I would like to learn how to cook food that is healthy but delicious.
24-Hour Recall
Oh boy...ok. Well, it's 6:30pm right now and I have not eaten a single thing yet today. Yesterday, I had a protein drink around 11am and then for dinner I had a Trader Joe's burrito, a leftover quesadilla from Del Taco and then about 6 Oreos.
Is this a typical day for you?
Sadly, right now it is. During my "bad" periods, I don't eat anything until dinner and then I eat whatever I want or sounds good, which right now is junk, crap, and more junk. On the weekends, I eat even worse because I pretty much eat what I want all day. :(
When I am in a "good" period, I usually have a Trader Joe's salad for lunch and then a much more reasonable and healthy dinner. I am also a lot healthier on the weekends during these times.